Embracing the Millennials!

8 years ago Minds2Xcel 0
To my corporate partners who are passionately working with the Gen Ys, this is my advocacy – “The Gen Ys (Millennials) are our creation, so it’s our responsibility to embrace them. We cannot ever complain about our handicrafts!”. During my several engagements with organisations on the subject of “The Millennial Challenge”, I am indeed glad Read More

Beating the First Impression – The Science Behind and The Art to Win!

8 years ago Minds2Xcel 0
Your gripping handshake may not be interpreted as being assertive to the person receiving it. He or she may feel that you are intimidating. Saying “Thank You” may not necessarily send out the right vibes if it is relayed without the appropriate emotional ‘tags’ to go with the message. Research suggests that people are more Read More

Watch Your Negativism! – Going beyond your Psychological Block

8 years ago Minds2Xcel 0
There’s the common perception that we tend to be more negative than positive. This is really not far from the truth. That’s why there’s so much talk about positive psychology to help turn us around. Why is it so? Anthropological studies suggest that we are born with the trait and nurtured to heighten our senses to Read More

The Power of Perception: You ARE what others PERCEIVE!

8 years ago Minds2Xcel 0
Perception is an amazing thing. A double-edged sword that can help you cut through the maze of social dynamics; or one that can cut you down to size. Forming a perception about someone or something comes naturally to us, and we do it subconsciously, whether you want to or not; or even when you tell Read More